Sonic Ice Cream and Tasha

Dogs come when they’re called; cats take a message and get back to you later.Mary Bly

An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language. ― Martin Buber


Once a month hubby, Tasha and I make a trip to the vet’s to get her flea product.  With the triple digit heat a stop at Sonic for ice cream afterwards is a must.

On the way, a ½ hr. drive one way, Tasha is very cool with the trip.  She stretches out across the back seat and goes to sleep.  At the vet’s, where she gets weighed, she is a trooper but feels that the weigh scale is a hideous, agonizing device meant to torture her.  It takes three adults to load a 78# Great Pyrenees puppy onto the scale.  After the rodeo it is really nice to think of the cool treat waiting for us all at Sonic.

Tasha waits patiently in the back seat; eyes watching every car hop as they come and go.  dog and ice creamThe very nice hostess lady looks on her tray and holds up a small dog biscuit.  She asks if she may give one to Tasha who with the gentlest of lips takes the gift.  When our turn for delivery is up, Tasha bounces with anticipation.  Her first lick causes her to shiver from head to tail but does not deter her in the least bit.  She licks and licks until the ice cream is level with the top of the cone and then she drills down into the cone until all ice cream is gone.  Her last act is to take the whole empty cone into her mouth and lay down on the back seat while she chews the cone into tiny pieces.  When she has completed her cone she sighs a big sign and closes her eyes once more.  Off to sleep again to dream of more ice cream is my guess.

It is a pleasure to watch her enjoy her cone and not as messy a one might expect.